Gallery from recordset panel:
Gallery name:
The name you want give to the gallery. If you have more gallery in the same page you must insert a combo to switch between the galleries and this name will be displayed in the combo.
The recordset to get the images.
One image each record and only if the image exist
My asp code verify if the image exist.
To change the images display order modify the recordset order.
Image path:
The field in the recordset that contain the path of the images
Start folder:
If the Image Path recodset field contain only the name of the image you can setup the folder that contains the images.
Image alt:
The field in the recordset that contain the "alt" of the images
Thumbnail alt:
The field in the recordset that contain the "alt" of the thumbnail
Image text:
The text for the selected image
Support also HTML tag with tables, css, links, images, etc....
This text will be displayed in the text layer.
Thumb suffix:
Thumb image field:
The thumbnail image can be inserted on setup the suffix or setup the record field where you have the image path. If you insert the suffix my asp code search in the same folder of the main image if exist the thumb. The suffix can be before the image name or between the image name and the image extension, my asp code search in the 2 position.
Gallery from folder panel:
Gallery name:
The name you want give to the gallery. If you have more gallery in the same page you must insert a combo to switch between the galleries and this name will be displayed in the combo.
The folder path that contain the images to display.
This folder will be scan to search the images all the times the page is open so your images list is always updated.
Image alt:
The Alt text of the image (can be dynamic)
Thumbnail alt:
The Alt text of the thumbnail (can be dynamic)
Thumb suffix:
The thumbnail image can be inserted only the suffix. If you insert the suffix my asp code search in the same folder of the main image if exist the thumb. The suffix can be before the image name or between the image name and the image extension, my asp code search in the 2 position.