Data type:
Define if get the tre-view content from a recordset or from fiel system (folders and files)
Default folder:
The folder will be the root of the TreeView
Tree type:
Define if show Folders and files / only the Folders or only the files
Combo text:
Define if the combo text field must show the full path or only the file name.
The value will be the full path in any case
The recordset the extension use to populate the data grid rows.
Unique column key:
Define the unique column key for the recordset and is needed to find child nodes of the tree view.
Parent column key:
The recordset field that is the parent key column for the record. The root must have this field value set to null or to zero.
This is an example on how must be the recordset:

For example:
"Cash" with parent_id = 0 is a root node
"Cash 1" with parent_id = 1 is a child node of "Cash" that has account_id = parent_id = 1
"Sub Cash 1" with parent_id = 2 is a child node of "Cash 1" that has account_id = parent_id = 2
Node text:
The recordset field with the text of the tree vien node
Combo text:
The recordset field with the text of the combo text field when the user select a node
Combo value:
The recordset field with the value of the combo value when the user select a node
Css style:
The css style for the node.
Default value:
The default text display in the combo text field
Selected value:
Set a pre-defined value from a recordset (for update record page)