The dimensions with of the data-grid. The width can be calculated by the extension if you check the Autowidth checkbox. The height is calculated by the extension to show all the records without vertical scrollbars
Select the skin you want use for the datagrid. The extension has 24 predefined skin but there is an on-line site where you can create your own skin. See in the flash tutorial how work this feature.
Defines the Caption layer for the grid. This caption appear above the Header layer. If the string is empty the caption does not appear.
The language for the default text
The encoding of your page, choose the right encoding to display the special char for your language.
Alt rows:
If checked show the cell content on mouse over event, some browser show this options by default.
If checked the columns can be resized by the user, will be resizable only columns marked as resizable in the column settings
Show toggle btn:
If checked the grid enables the show/hide grid button, which appears on the right side of the Caption layer. Takes effect only if the caption property is not an empty string.
If checked the extension calculate the data grid with on sum the single columns width
Thousand separator:
If checked the number will be formatted with thousand separator.
Image checkbox:
If checked the boolean fields will be formatted with images like
