ComboBox are special fields because must have 2 different data values, the value to display and the value saved in the database. For example you have this 2 tables:

The first table "invheader" has a field "client_id" that refer to the table "Clients" so in this table you don't have the value you need display in your grid but only the reference to the second table. The value you need display is in the second table "clients" in the field "name", so to have a recordset with the "name" value you must create a join in the query like this:
Where you join the field "client_id" of the table "invheader" with the field "client_id" of the table "clients" so now in your recordset you can have the text values for your combobox that will be the field "name".
Now we must setup the DataGrid combobox fields.
In the Main tabs of the edit items extension panel we must setup the recordset field that will show the value of the combo we want see in the grid, in this exampne the "Name" field.
In the Edit tabs of the edit items extension panel we must setup more fields.
In this panel we must setup the fields to populate the combobox items end the table field will be updated.
The fields to populate the ComboBox are "Recordset", "First item", "Value field" and "Label field". In your page you must have a recordset with the records to populate the combo items, in this example will be a recordset on the table "Clients" with the 2 fields "client_id" and "name".
In the "Table edit field" you will find all the fields of the table you setup in the "Edit" extension panel, in this example the "invheader" table, and you must choose the field you want save the value of the combo in this example "client_id". So when you will edit or insert a record the extension get the value from the "client_id" of the table "clients" correspondign to the ComboBox selected item and put this value in the "client_id" field of the table "invheader".
Very important: the 2 fields "client_id" of the 2 tables "invheader" and "Clients" must be numeric fields.