The connection for your DataBase
Insert Behavior:
- Insert Disabled
- Single table: insert all the form data and the files upload data in the same table. This option will insert one record for each uploaded file
- 2 tables: insert the form data in one table (master table) and the files upload data in another table (detail table). This option will insert one record in the master table and one record for each uploaded file in the detail table
Insert into table:
Tha master table where insert the values from the form field
Get value from:
The form that contains the fields you need insert in the database
Form elements:
The list of form field you need insert the database. The form can be validated with any client validation extension but the validation rules must be apply to the "onsubmit" event of the form, our extension detect this event of the form and check it before start the upload.
Use the add/edit/del button to insert or remove form fields in this list.
When you click on the add/edit button a popup open, in this popup you can setup the info required for each form field.
The info required are:
- Form field: the name of the form field.
- Table field: the name of the table field where save the value.
- DataBase format: define the format of the database field, value are: text, long text, numeric, date, boolean (checkbox)
Enable files records:
Define if insert the records for each uploaded file
Files table:
The detail table where insert one record for each uploaded files
Unique column key:
The unique column key for the master table
Parent key field:
The column of the "Files table" where insert the key of the master record
File path:
The field where save the file path
Thumb path:
The field where save the thumb path (only for images)
2° Thumb path:
The field where save the 2°thumb path (only for images)
File size:
The field where save the file size (must be a numeric field)