This panel show the list of the rules you define for your site
Delete the selected rule from the site
Open the "Edit rule" to modify the selected rule
Duplicate the selected rule
When you click on the Add button the "Edit rule" panel is open
The list of conditions that must be verified for the rule to take effect
The name of the rule, must be unique in the rules list
If checked the rule is apply to the page, if not checked the page that has this rules will not have restriction access. This is usefull for develope your site without you need log-in all the times.
Define if the condition allow or denied the access to the page.
The denied is evaluated before so if one denied condition is verified the access to the page is denied.
Value from:
Define the asp object where get the value, can be:
- Session
- Application
- Entered value - define a fix value you must write in the Name/Value text field
- Request
- Request.QueryString
- Request.Form
The name of the asp object variable.
If you choose "Entered value" here you must write the value
Defines the criteria used to evaluate the specified value and compare fields.
Available options are:
= : equals
<> : does not equal
< : less than
<= : less than or equal to
> : greater than
>= : greater than or equal to
Not null
Compare from:
The same as "Value from".
Specifies the asp object that the value field is evaluated against to determine if the criteria is verified or not