The Table name
There are many types of calculations you can perform in a query. For example, you can calculate the sum or average of the values in one field, multiply the values in two fields, or calculate the date three months from the current date. To display the results of a calculation in a field, you can use a predefined calculation that SQL provides or custom calculations you define. Use the predefined calculations, called "totals," if you want to compute the following amounts for groups of records or for all the records combined: sum, average, count, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, or variance. You choose one totals calculation for each field you want to calculate
If you want the records to be sorted, select a column to sort by, then specify whether the records should be sorted in ascending order or descending order.
If you include a field in the query design grid, but click the (Not Shown) option in the Crosstab cell and select a value in the Order cell or/and put a Criteria in the Criteria cell the query order or/and filter the result, but doesn't display the row in the query's results. Standard value is Clicked (Show the row in the query's result)
Criteria and Or: