Very important:
The ACTION of the form must be void or redirect on the same page
like when you apply an insert or update Dw behavior.
If you need redirect on a new page use the Redirect field in the extension panel.
Select the form you want validate the fields
Send method:
The method you want use to generate the post-back in case the form is not validate. The default value is POST and if you are not sure don't modify this default value.
For starters, we should formulate the basics of what a PostBack event is, and how it is generated. This validator is a "Server Controls". This means that when an action occurs, the Page, which hosts all its controls inside <FORM... tags, makes a regular old HTTP POST, with itself being the target URL. This is referred to as a "POSTBACK". When this happens the extension is able to react apppropriately when the page is reloaded after passing through the server a second time.
Main error message:
When sone fields are not valid display the error message with this message in the first line and the fields error message in the line after.
Image error:
This behavior lets you choose how report the error message in various mode. You can display a summary, a single error message for each field or am image for each fields.
The summary is a unique error message with the main error message in the first line and the fields error message in the line after.
With the image you can display an alert image near the fields not validated and the summary in the top of the page.
See the demo for more details...
Text before:
You can define a text or html code to put before the error message like a span, div, etc..
Text after:
You can define a text or html code to put after the error message like a span, div, etc..
Display Js alert:
If checked display a javscript alert with the error summary
Css style:
The style css you want apply to the error message or to the summary
Redirect if valid:
If you need redirect on a new page after the form is validated succesfully insert in this field the path of the page.
Redirect method:
Define the method the extension use to redirect to the new page
Redirect: is a redirect with lost all the form data (all the form data are lost)