The dimensions of the upload panel
Script timout:
The Server.ScriptTimeout of Your ASP page.
After upload go to:
The redirect page, call after the files are uploaded to the server
Upload folder:
The Folder to save the uploaded files.
The non-existent folders from the path are auto-created!
You can define it with 3 method:
Site Relative:
a Path relative to the Site or to the Document
ex: /MyFolder/
ex: ../MyFolder/
Use the search button to find Your Upload Folder
an Absolute Path
ex: c:\MyFolder\
With this You can save the file outside Your web site. Simply write the full path on the server as your upload folder!
a dynamic path
In this case You must enter the name of your PHP function that will return the full upload path. Insert the name of your function with the parenthesis
For example:
Create a function like this:
function CreateUploadPath(){
//Here your php code
$YourUploadFolder = "c:\yourFolder\";
return $YourUploadFolder;
and in the extension field put this:
Temp folder:
Define a temporary folder to save uploading info
Style / Theme:
Define the style and the theme the extension use
The style define the css to use, in the default case will be a bootstrap style
The theme define the graphic html layout
This 2 feature can be personalized. To create your style and/or theme you must search this folder on your pc C:\Users\[YOUR_USER]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2014\it_IT\Configuration\Shared\DwZone\php\MultipleUpload\Dropzone
and open the style folder and/or the theme folder to create your style or theme, the name will be the name of the new folder you create, we suggest copy the default and modify it. Remember in the theme html file don't modify the ID attribute for the html elements.
Allowed extensions:
You can define which file extensions you want to allow your users to upload.
To allowe all the files type you must enter "*.*"
It can be limited on the server side (after upload) and on the client side (before upload).
To add/edit/remove the allowed files extension you can use the button in the right of this field.
The "Images only" button insert the files type for images: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp
Confict handling:
Should a file already exist on the server, you can specify how you would like to handle the new file. Choices include overwriting, giving the file a unique name and skipping the file.
If You select "Unique name" and a file exist my code add e progressive number to the file name.
ex: Existing file is MyFile.txt the new name will be MyFile
Enable log:
If checked the extension create a log file in the temp folder.
Total file size:
Define the total files size can be uploaded. This is verify client and server side
Max file size:
Define the maximun size for each file. This is verify client and server side
Max queued files:
Define the maximun number of files the user can upload.
Show image thumb:
If checked the extension show the image thumb in the upload files list
The thumb dimensions
Form fields to send:
Select the form fields you need send to the server during the upload process, for example to create the upload folder or the file name