Master Combo Box:
The combo box with the Main data. The data in this Combo can be added with the standard dynamic DW behavior.
Detail Combo Box:
The combo box where display the data when the user change the value of the Master Combo Box. When the user change the value of the Master Combo my code display in this combo all the record value from the recordset where the Primary Key field value is equal to the Master Combo selected index value.
The recordset contains the data to display into the "Detail Combo Box"
Primary Key:
Select the table's field that contains the unique identifier
Detail key:
The field of the recordset my code will use for the option value of the "Detail Combo Box". This is the value send on the submit event of the form.
Detail Value:
The field of the recordset my code will use for the option text of the "Detail Combo Box". This is the text displaied in the combo.
First Line Text:
The text for the first option value of the "Detail Combo Box"
To view how setup the control see the Flash Tutorial