With this server behavior you can create a form that display data from Asp Multiple Record at once and the user can delete all the record at the same time. The setup of this behavior is the same of the standard Dw Delete behavior.
To see how is simple to use and setup download the flash tutorial.
In the Connection pop-up menu, select a connection to the database.
Click the Define button if you need to define a connection
Delete from table:
In the Delete from Table pop-up menu, select the database table that contains the record to delete
Unique column Key:
In the Unique Key Column pop-up menu, select a key column (usually the record ID column) to identify the record in the database table. If the value is a number, select the Numeric option. A key column usually accepts only numeric values, but sometimes it accepts text values.
Delete by submitting:
In the Delete By Submitting pop-up menu, specify the HTML form with the Submit button that sends the delete command to the server.
Form unique key field:
The form field that contain the IdRecord (the record unique column key) value of the record you want delete.
After deleting, go to:
In the After Deleting, Go To box, enter the page to open after the record is deleted from the database table or click the Browse button to browse to the file.