Select the form you want validate the fields
Send method:
Must be set to GET
Main error message:
When sone fields are not valid display the error message with this message in the first line and the fields error message in the line after.
Image error:
This behavior lets you choose how report the error message in various mode. You can display a summary, a single error message for each field or am image for each fields.
The summary is a unique error message with the main error message in the first line and the fields error message in the line after.
With the image you can display an alert image near the fields not validated and the summary in the top of the page.
See the demo for more details...
Text before:
You can define a text or html code to put before the error message like a span, div, etc..
Text after:
You can define a text or html code to put after the error message like a span, div, etc..
Display Js alert:
If checked display a javscript alert with the error summary
Css style:
The style css you want apply to the error message or to the summary
Lock form controls:
If checked when the upload start the extension insert a layer on your page to lock the form controls, to prevent the user submit many times the same form.
Lock form bgColor:
The color of the background for the Lock form controls layer
Lock form bg opacity:
The opacity of theLock form controls to give a semi-transparent effect to the page