The first part of this Panel work like the Macromedia Standard Server Behavior Update Record. I only modify the Field Type for use with Microsoft Access: I add the Null type for Text Field.
Files List
The list of the File Field in Your form.
No Limit Number of Uploaded file!
Click on the file name to see/modify/insert the features applied to it.
Delete Existing File
You can specify to delete or not an existing file.
If You select Yes You must specify in which Field is stored the full name (Path and name) of the file You must delete.
This must be stored in the same record and in the same table of Your recordset.
Save File Name In
You can store the file names in your database!
This makes it easy to display them on your page, especially when using dynamic paths.
You can define the Saved File Name with 3 method:
- Site Path and Name (ex: "/MyFolder/MyFile.txt")
- Absolute Path and Name (ex: "d:\inetpub\wwwroot\MySite\MyFolder\MyFile.txt")
- Only the name (ex: "MyFile.txt")
Save Size In
It is now possible save the file's dimensions into your database for later use.
To use this PlugIn you need have Advanced Mail version 1.6.0 installed