This server behavior lets you insert a rectangular box in your pages where display
a list of news from your recordset with a change behavior between the news.
The behaviors disponible are:
- Horizontal scroller
- Vertical scroller
- Fade
- TypeWriter (only text)
- Twinkler (only text)
- Blinker
The extension can be apply more times in the same page and the news text can contains html code and images
The name of the extension instance in the page. (only to recognize the instance in the server behavior panel in case you have more news ticker in the ame page)
Ticker type:
The behavior of the ticker between:
- Horizontal scroller
- Vertical scroller
- Fade
- Type-writer
- Twinkler
- Blinker
The with in pixels of the news ticker box
The height in pixels of the news ticker box
The speed for the news movement, can be in pixels or in milliseconds, depend on the tycker type.
The number of milliseconds the extension stop the movement between each news
Animation duration:
The duration of the fade behavior (only for fade ticker type)
The number of blink for each news before it change to the next
Only for Blinker behavior
Container class:
The style class for the div that will contains all the news items
Items class:
The style class for each div that contains one news
The recordset that contains the list of news, one news each record
News field:
The recordset field that contains the new text
The link you want open whe the user click on each news items (is optional)
The target frame where open the link.
Only for Php My-Sql 5.0 or more