This Server Behavior lets you write a DataBase search page and display the result. In the search form you can use all the form fields you need. In Your page you write a search form and the Asp Advanced Search server behaviors filter your recordset and you can create a result page with the look you prefer.
The search can use this filters operators for each form field:
- All the world
- One of them
- =, >, >=, <, <=, <>, Between, Like, In, Not In
The operator can be defined fix in the extension or can be dynamic from a form field, in this second case you can create a form search where the user define which type of filter apply to the search result (see the demo in our site).
The extension has 2 bevaviors: for one page and for two pages, the one page must be used when you have search form and result filtered recordset in the same page and the two pages must be used when you have search form in one page and result filtered recordset in a different page.
Only for Asp (Vb script)